Homemade cloth diapers in the crapper

So, I thought I would use up some of my stash to make some super cute cloth diapers but I didn’t have any PUL fabric or waterproof fabric.  SO, I did a little searching through a really informative cloth diapering forum and found out about silicone waterproofing spray for fabrics.  Now, I thought this was going to be my saving grace because it was only a few dollars for the can and it would last through repeated washings.  After spraying the inside and outside panel of the outer shell (decorative fabric) I thought it would be nothing but success!

Well, I did like the diaper pattern which was a bit of this, and a bit of that, as well as a bit of my own idea (adding a zipper to slide the inserts into).  Although I didn’t add this feature, I think gussets are an ingenious asset to cloth diapers!  As you can see, the diapers are sweet to look at but they are certainly not as functional.  I tried inserting cloth diapers as well as a “waterproof” liner” but it was simply ineffective.

I’m thinking the only way to salvage these poopers is to cover them with a plastic diaper cover; of course, that covers up their cuteness.  Unfortunately, my wee one has already outgrown these so I am contemplating finding some PUL to make the next size up.  Has anyone out there had a good experience with waterproofing their own fabric?  If so, what product did you use?

6 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Jessica said,

    I’m sorry you had to find out the hard way! You can’t use that spray to *make* waterproof fabric. That spray only works to repair existing waterproof fabric that may have become worn out from use.

    There isn’t anyway to make your own waterproof fabric at home. You must purchase PUL (polyurethane laminate) online.

    Many people love to make cute cloth diapers and still cover them up with waterproof covers, I know it might seem strange, but many folks do it, though it sounds like these no longer fit anyway.

  2. 2

    goffcouture said,

    There are also some diaper fabric coops that buy cute prints in bulk and have them waterproofed… but it means sending a huge bolt to a company that laminates fabric, waiting a long time, and then the gal running the coop cuts it and ships it to everyone else. But again, it’s all online.

    I pretty much stuck to buying PUL from a cloth diaper fabric shop online. It was easiest and all my shipping costs were combined.

    What you have sewn would be considered a fitted diaper at this point… shaped like an actual diaper, no folding/pinning required, but needing a separate cover. You don’t *have* to use plastic pants; you can make a diaper cover out of PUL (that would at least be an attractive color). The plus to separate covers is that you can get several uses before they need to be washed, so you don’t need as many of them as you need diapers (which saves money) and you can wash/dry them separate from the dipes, on a lower heat, which means the PUL will last a LOT longer.

  3. 3

    Well, I appreciated you all again. After my sustained companionship in the forum is not, I could not learn the password to your time-honoured vignette and started a new one. I’m glad that I am again with you.

  4. 4

    Taylor said,

    I was just looking into the sprays because I too like the nice fabric on the outside too! Sorry it didn’t work for you, but thank you for saving me from the same trouble! Have you thought of having diaper covers with the PUL or Ultrex layer on the inside? I love greenline diaper covers because they are so attractive, and I believe that is what they do.

  5. 5

    Newmom said,

    Joanne fabrics just came out with a little section that has adorable PUL fabrics that are just for cloth diapering. theyre waterproof, flexible, washable and adorable. They cost significantly less to make and have matching fold over elastics. i bought for 40$ enough to make six matching adorable covers. hope you work it out.

  6. 6

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